Author Pallavi Serah Borogaon


1) Tell me more about you. How many books have you written?

My kindest regards to all who are reading this.

My name is Pallavi Borogaon though I better like to be known by my pen name P. Serah B. I was born and raised in Lucknow(U.P) India and my roots are from Assam and West Bengal. Professionally I am a Dentist but a poet and writer by passion. The love for reading and writing have encouraged me to write my first poetry book 'Her Favorite Color' which was published this June and is available worldwide on amazon kindle. So you can say I am still a debut author and have written only one book so far.


2) What Book are you currently working on?

I am currently writing Historical fiction.

3) What advice would you give other up and coming authors?

I know its quite difficult to survive as a writer and that too as a debut writer you might have to face many difficulties or you might come across many criticisms for your work and sometimes even your own people might not support you for choosing this field and all these difficulties might pull you down, you would be broken and upset to the point that you will feel like quitting the only thing which you liked the most i.e Writing, the thing which when you do gives you the most satisfaction, this thing which has helped you to overcome all your pain and stress you feel like giving up on this just because of few negative people's words. So My advice for all upcoming authors

"No matter how difficult is the situation never ever give up writing cause that's what made you smile on your worst nights, that's what made you forget all your pains"

Read more, write more, follow your dreams, with strong determination work hard and reach the zenith of success.

4) How long have you been writing? When and how did you start writing?

I took up writing professionally six months ago with my debut poetry book though I started writing way back in school when I was 7 or 8 years old I remember I used to love reading rhyming poems and used to pen down some rhyming words. Then I wrote a few poems for my college magazines.

5) Tell us more about the book Her Favorite Color. What inspired you to write this particular book?

"Her Favorite Color" is a compilation of poems based on love, loss and self-healing with few other social topics like social inequities on women and to what society claim as weak people likewise it's written on overcoming of all such pain and depression. "Ahhh... what inspired me to write this book?" Well, my love for writing has inspired me to write this book as

It was a way of expressing the things which I saw around me through my words and if that could make a slightest of change how a society perceives the writing and change a single life of some human it would be my greatest success.

6) If there was one message you could give the world to change a life forever, what would it be.

 "Negativity is like fire my friend, that will burn you from within and positivity is like the silent waves of a calm ocean. So, let the silent waves of this calm ocean of positivity douse the fire of this negativity."

7) Finally What was the biggest hurdle for you as an author publishing Her Favroite Color?

The biggest hurdle for me was searching the publishers for publishing "Her favorite Color" as a debut author submitting my work to traditional publishers every other day and waiting months and months for their response which I never got, before finally self-publishing my book also another hurdle was the finance to self publish this book which I finally overcame with the help of my sister.

            Book Review  Of Her Favroite Colors 
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