Author Louise Rachel Malhi


1. Tell me more about you. How many books have you written?

My name is Louise Rachel Malhi and I live in Birmingham, England. Writing is something I do to keep myself sane and let myself escape my complex adulthood of juggling a full time tough role in a large pharmaceutical company, running a business with my husband and everything else life brings you. I have questioned my sanity a couple of times on how I find the time to write, but I just do, even if it is 2 am, running on a lot of coffee! Because I love it! This novel is in fact my first. However, it feels like I have written many more, as this story has had many versions (draft only). The first version is not even worth getting out of the dusty folder hidden in the loft!

2. What Book are you currently working on?

I am working on the next one. The City of Eyes Book Two!!!

3. What advice would you give other up and coming authors?

Don't rush! If writing is new to you, it takes time to perfect it. Now, no writing is perfect, but to get to a point where you are truly happy to let others read it, took me years! Draft and draft, critique after critique, many times I felt like giving up. I still remember paying for a company to review my work about 10 years ago, and they slaughtered it. After that, for a bit, I thought I couldn't do it. But, I learnt from it. You always can. I learnt to be resilient and I am still so new to being published, I have a lot more learning to do.

4. How long have you been writing? When and how did you start writing?

I started writing about 11 years ago. I began writing in-between semesters at university. Then, once I got a full time job, I did it in the evenings. 

5. Tell us more about the book Forged Purity. What inspired you to write this particular book?

The idea came to me about 10 years ago, and developed over the years. Playing with concepts is what I love, twisting and accentuating current situations into a messed up/dystopian style idea. Very Black Mirror style. The problem is, I can't remember exactly when and how the idea for the book came to me! I probably dreamt it! 

6. If there was one message you could give the world to change a life forever, what would it be?

You have one life, make it matter!

7. Finally What was the biggest hurdle for you as an author publishing Forged Purity? 

Being brave enough to put it out there! Understanding the insanely complex nature of self-publishing. There are quite a few. But definitely having the confidence. I was petrified people would think it was awful! But you just have to do it. But do it only when you are ready!

                  Book Review of Forged Purity
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